Ladies Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Lady Captain's Drive In

News article for the Ladies Section

Lady Captain's Drive In

Thank you to all the Ladies who joined me for my Lady Captain's Drive In on 7th December 2021, with most of the Ladies braving the elements for a few holes and the more hardy teams even completing the full 14 hole competition in the wind and rain! Congratulations go to the winning team of Caroline West, Alison Pikethly and Lauren Northridge. Well done also to Sue Liddle who correctly guessed the length of my drive on the 1st.

The competition was followed by a prize giving lunch, where we enjoyed tea & cakes whilst hearing from Paula Scaife, the regional contact for our chosen charity this year: the British Heart Foundation. With thanks to the generosity of the Ladies, we raised £250 on the day which is a great start to our fundraising for the year.

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Date published: Sun 20th Mar 2022
Author: Sue Northridge
Updated: Sun 20th Mar 2022