Seniors Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Singles Knockout

Tournament information for the Seniors Section

Entries are via the Club V1 Site go to Knockouts
Entries close on the 7th April 2024

Seniors Singles Matchplay Knockout Competition 2024

  • Full difference handicap from the lowest course handicap player. (Max Playing Handicap = 36)
  • First player's name to contact their opponent.
  • Matches are to be played Midweek (unless otherwise agreed)
  • Play from White Tee's
  • Players must play in at least 2 Senior competitions in the current year to win a prize in the Knockout Competitions.

Submit your results by filling in the result form below

Matches are to be played by the dates shown just underneath the Round shown. Extensions to the play-by date will only be agreed in exceptional circumstances by the Competition Manager - Mr A Carruthers or the Competition Organiser - Mr K Evans. 

Preliminary round play by 12/5/2024

See the Draw for this round via Club V1 Knockouts / Senior Singles Knockout 2024/ View draw details.

Round 1
Sun 16th Jun
  • R. McWilliam
  • A. Lowe
  • D. Batchford
  • G. Carrington
  • S. Newland
  • P. Harrison
  • M. Gilbert
  • S. Hawley
  • Match not played
  • L. Rosie
  • S. Bryan
  • K. Dudley
  • J. Hawley
  • J. McParland
  • D. Robbins
  • W. Hurrell
Round 2
Sun 21st Jul
  • R. McWiliam
  • G. Carrington

  • S. Newland
  • S. Hawley

  • L. Rosie
  • S. Bryan

  • J. Hawley
  • D. Robbins
Round 3
Sun 18th Aug
  • R. McWilliam
  • S. Newland

  • S. Bryan
  • J. Hawley
Group A semi-final
Sun 15th Sep
  • J. Hawley


Sun 6th Oct
Group B semi-final
Sun 15th Sep
Round 3
Sun 18th Aug
  • S. D'Arcy
  • J. Ennis

  • S. Thomson
  • D. Bishell
Round 2
Sun 21st Jul
  • S. D'Arcy
  • D. Armstrong
  • J. Ennis
  • G. Pretty

  • D. Halstead
  • S. Thomson

  • D. Bishell
  • P. Fedorow
Round 1
Sun 16th Jun
  • S. D'Arcy
  • M. Hans
  • D. Armstrong
  • A. Beer
  • J. Ennis
  • J. Bushell
  • G. Pretty
  • R. Mercer
  • D. Halstead
  • V. Dale
  • S. Thomson
  • T. Gilbert
  • R. Jones
  • D. Bishell
  • P. Fedorow
  • P. Hudson

Submit Your Result

Enter sum of the digits