Read a message from our Seniors Section Captain at Beeston Fields Golf Club
Being Captain of the Men’s Senior section for 2024 is a pleasure and privilege.
You will of course be reading this on the Seniors website which is full of very useful information.
We have 24 inter-club matches this year played between March and October and it would be great to see some new faces playing them. All the information about them is on the website. For those who do play in them please tell friends what a great day it is.
We also have a full programme of various competitions run on Thursdays which are well supported.
To join the Seniors section you have to be 55 or over and the cost is £2 per year (extortionate).
I’m in talks with the Leicestershire Golf Club about my Captains away day and hope to have it in August date to be arranged.
As soon as I have the information I will publish it on the website.
If you are a new member, please feel free to introduce yourself to me and I will make you welcome and introduce you to other members.
For those who do not know me, my mug shot is on the website under committee photos.
Finally, I wish all members a very Merry Christmas and happy golfing.
Terry Unwin
Seniors Captain.
30th November 2023
Message from John Simpson